257a Saracen Street | Glasgow G22 5JX
Phone: 0141 237 5799
A jolly shop front on Saracen Street, spelling out 'The Imaginarium' in patchwork-esque letters above the door, leads to a bustling community space. Established in 2013 as a collaboration between The Concrete Garden and Depot Arts, The Imaginarium hosts workshops, arts and crafts events, music, film nights and art. Several white walled rooms are available to make magic in: a massive basement, the 'tea room' and the 'garden room' – offering three rooms versatile enough to allow for the whole array of creative projects that go on in the venue, bolstered by a Friday and Saturday café serving up hot drinks and sweet treats.
The Imaginarium
257a Saracen Street
Glasgow G22 5JX
Phone: 0141 237 5799
Web: http://theimaginariumglasgow.tumblr.com/