iota @ Unlimited Studios

25 Hyndland Street | Glasgow G11 5QE
Phone: 0141 338 6052

Unlimited Studios was founded by two graduates of the Mackintosh School of Architecture in 2007 as a catalyst for interaction between architecture, language and the arts. During their practise of ‘expanded’ architecture it became clear there was a wealth of artwork in progress that would hardly be seen by anyone. Thus ‘i of the arts’ – aka iota – was created with the intention to produce and promote the arts across the disciplines.

Housed in a corner shop in Partick the combination of studio, gallery and shop front offers opportunities for both project-based collaborations between practitioners, and the displaying of work to the public. The studio presents both the process and the product and strives to educate and stimulate via various disciplines including photography, sculpture, drawing, poetry and music. Well worth a look in.


iota @ Unlimited Studios
25 Hyndland Street
Glasgow G11 5QE

iota @ Unlimited Studios

Opening Hours:
Tues: 12:00 - 17:00
Wed: 12:00 - 17:00
Thur: 12:00 - 17:00
Fri: 12:00 - 17:00
Sat: 12:00 - 17:00

Phone: 0141 338 6052