Student Handbook
The Skinny Student Guide, offering an insider's guide to making the most of the student experience in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee. We bring you a guide to things to do, food and drink tips, and a look at the arts, entertainment and music scene in your new city, as well as the best student club nights and more.
Student Life: Finding your Style
Boutique to Vintage Chic Read more »| 15 Sep 2008 -
Student Life: How to make something out of nothing
Right. In your cupboard is a can of kidney beans, two jars of spices dated 2006 and an onion that appears to be harbouring a new ecosystem. In your pockets are a fiver, a condom and a Werther’s Original. You need eight new course books, your trainers have passed shabby chic and arrived at plain shabby and you want to get sloshed and forget it all until morning. Presenting The Skinny guide to turning nothing into something. Read more »| 12 Sep 2008 -
Student Life: Planning for Fun in Fields
As the weather grows warmer, gig-goers grow tired of dark, sweaty venues and begin to look further afield for their music fix. Forget camper vans, mystery-m... Read more »| 12 Sep 2008 -
Things To Do
Student Life: Where you need to be, any time of day
12pm – 3pm Just getting into the day, you’ve probably successfully managed to sleep through your morning lectures, and starting to think about g... Read more »| 11 Sep 2008 -
Student Life: Recipes to Impress
Make friends the easy way: feed them up and get them merry. The Skinny takes you through some easy food and cocktail recipes that will score you brownie points in any student digs. Read more »| 11 Sep 2008 -
Student Life: Spend your student loan or get fit
The Skinny takes no responsibility for course failures, or for paving the way to the bottom of that oh-so-generous interest free overdraft, but here's a few secrets to getting fit thumbs. Phwoar! Read more »| 11 Sep 2008
Things To Do
Student Life: Wakey, wakey! - The Best Breakfasts in Scotland
Mornings. Likelihood is that you will be sleeping through most of your morning lectures, but if you manage to be up early (or late) enough to justify brekkie you will need fuel. Recommended coffee and carb stops below... Read more »| 11 Sep 2008 -
Student Life: When comics become movies
Books, books, books. Your life is about to become a written work pulped overload. Therefore get back to basics with nice pictures of everyday avengers beating the shit out of each other. Read more »| 10 Sep 2008 -
Student Life: 5 Ways to Sound like a Genius at a Party...
...When you're actually an idiot like the rest of us.Everyone knows a bullshitter, but what's the secret? The Skinny asked five seasoned experts to share the... Read more »| 10 Sep 2008 -
Student Life: Learn baby learn
Some people at uni have brains so big, and are so incredibly brilliant at their subject, that they're shit at everything else. They can't even make a bowl of cornflakes. Others have no brain, never do any work, but have such an easy-going manner that they're bound to be successful. Okay, they have brains too. Whoever you are, though, there are certain steps you can take to get the most from your learning experience at uni... Read more »| 10 Sep 2008 -
Student Life: Style 101
Greetings, assembled student masses. Since this Student Handbook as a whole is built to ease your transition into campus life, here in fashion corner, we&rs... Read more »| 09 Sep 2008 -
Edinburgh Under Surveillance: May
...straddling the Forth like an endangered, furry suspension bridge Read more »| 11 May 2007 -
Edinburgh Under Surveillance: February
Did January kick you squa' in the financial nuts? Read more »| 10 Feb 2007 -
Edinburgh Under Surveillance: January
Gut hanging a few extra inches over your breeks after devouring twenty selection boxes in front of Christmas Dr Who? Excellent. Then we'll begin. Read more »| 11 Jan 2007 -
Edinburgh Under Surveillance: December
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through Auld Reekie... Read more »| 12 Dec 2006