17 West Nicolson Street | Edinburgh EH8 9DB
Phone: 0131 662 1009
A hairdressing salon, you say? But what kind of venue is a salon? Do they hold gigs? Serve drinks? Offer cake?
Well, while Hothead's policy is, at present, a demure "no" when propositioned with holding EP launches, they do provide tea, Tunnocks wafers, a kooky and profoundly unintimidating ambience and a great natter. Oh, and they do lovely things to your hair, too. In essence, then, an afternoon spent here is often more fulfilling than an hour or so whiled away in a coffee shop, as you drink in the fresh, non-cloying scent of aromatherapy candles, peruse a photo-book on the artwork of Banksy and absorb the gorgeously quirky intimacy of the named-hairdryers and loft-like brickwork, all the time wonderfully secure in the knowledge you will leave looking (and smelling) godlike. Mmmm.
17 West Nicolson Street
Edinburgh EH8 9DB
Phone: 0131 662 1009
Web: http://