The Three Sisters

139 Cowgate, Old Town | Edinburgh EH1 1JS
Phone: 0131 622 6801

Consensus has it that the Old Town's favourite siblings are the ladies to see about having a right old knees-up.

Expect a playlist that shrieks nostalgic 80s brilliance, and more stags and hens than you could find in a wildlife park. The Three Sisters is popular with students, sports fans, and anyone who can throw aside any pretence at clubbing cool for an evening of dizzy dancing and even dizzier drinking. Not a venue which tolerates FOMO easily, Three Sisters will usually put on a bit of a belter whether you're talking Hogmanay, Superbowl or the Fringe festival.

Speaking of which, The Three Sisters becomes a bit of a Fringe hub during august. The courtyard is filled with fairground fumes from its cornupcopia of BBQ and street food stalls. Novelty buses park up for the long haul and become edgy red venues for upcoming comedians. Beer is a-flowing, and laughter is a-plenty. And, despite being tucked in the shadowy depths of Cowgate, it gets a decent slice of sun throughout the afternoon, too. Slightly uncomfortable if you're watching a comedian on the top deck of a bus, but beautiful if you're relaxing at a picnic bench with a pulled pork sarnie...


The Three Sisters
139 Cowgate, Old Town
Edinburgh EH1 1JS

The Three Sisters

Phone: 0131 622 6801

What's On