Scottish Art News: June 2016
Degree show season is here, and there's plenty to do besides. Transmission and Embassy open the floor to their members, and outside the city Jupiter Artland and Hospitalfield are just as busy
June’s always a big one with the majority of degree shows happening. From the get-go, there’s the ECA degree show which continues until 5 June. As always, all of the various Fine Art, Design and Architecture courses will be on show, and this year is particularly busy with Grays School of Art in Aberdeen and Glasgow School of Art also going up against each other between 18-25 June. Read our complete guide to ECA's degree shows here.
Winding back to the beginning of the month, there’s Adam McEwen’s exhibition Tinnitus in The Modern Institute, previewing 3 June, 7-9pm. Known for a certain sharp sobriety, McEwen’s work ranges from maps marked with chewing gum to signal German cities bombed during WWII, to graphite sculptures of banal objects like watercoolers and lockers. This latest exhibition continues through the summer until 27 August.
In Dundee Contemporary Arts, Duncan Marquiss’ exhibition Copying Errors continues through June until 3 July, with two events scheduled this month. First, on Thursday 16 June, DCA launch a new publication on Marquiss’ work, and he’s planned a night of improvised music and performance from 6.30-9pm – free tickets are available from the DCA website. Continuing the events surrounding Marquiss' work on 23 June, local artists present their takes on the exhibition to prompt a discussion from 7pm. This evening’s titled (((echo))), and it’s free with no need to book.
Now well into its spring programme, on Saturday 4 June Jupiter Artland presents exhibitor Ditte Gantris as she discusses her glass and woven basket works, while later in the month (23 June) Celeste Boursier-Mougenot discusses his room of zebra finches and electric guitars. See their website for admission prices.
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More from Art:
Duncan Marquiss: Copying Errors and his DCA show
Jupiter Artland nominated for Museum of the Year
In Glasgow, artist and writer Sarah Rose presents a solo show in SWG3 from 10-29 June. Looking for material ways of dissolving her sense of individuality, she presents a sculptural work made by fabricators of medical glass instruments to her instruction, and a sound piece that originated in Rose donating her voice to a charity for the speech impaired. The show’s called Compassionate Truth, Dirty Truth and as well as the sculptural and audio work, there will be a programme of workshops, late night broadcasts and a new publication. Keep an eye on the weekly column for details of the opening.
Embassy and Transmission both hand over their spaces to members during June: Embassy present their Annuale, which will include talks, screenings, performance, workshops and anything else applicants have come up with. 2016’s programme is still TBC, but the Annuale runs from 17 June to 3 July. Transmission host their annual Members’ show from 25 June to 23 July, with all work being exhibited from an open call.
Anyone interested in The Common Guild’s current exhibition by Akram Zaatari should head to the talk by Dartmouth College's Professor of Art History, Dr Chad Elias. On Sunday 18 June at 3pm, he’ll discuss Zaatari’s work and the importance of collecting and archiving photography from the Middle East. Book free tickets via Eventbrite.
Rounding off June for art, there’s LeithLate from 23-26 June. Keep watch at for an interview with the Coordinator and Producer explaining what to expect for the 2016 edition.
That same weekend, there’s the Hospitalfield Open Weekend from Friday 24 to Sunday 26 June. Here you can find work by painter and collage artist Lubaina Himid, as well as Tamara Henderson, whose recent work in Glasgow International consisted of pinhole photography, fabric sculpture and a video to be watched from the skeleton of a car.