LCD Soundsystem at Barrowlands

James Murphy, LCD Soundsystem's frontman, is still waiting for the kids he baited in the band's debut single Losing My Edge, to come and usurp him.

Article by Darren Carle | 11 Apr 2007

James Murphy, LCD Soundsystem's frontman, is still waiting for the kids he baited in the band's debut single, Losing My Edge, to come and usurp him. In the meantime, a second album, Sound of Silver, is on its way. Us Vs. Them opens the proceedings, suggesting that Murphy has been listening to Talking Heads quite a bit recently. North American Scum retreads past glories, with a simple funk-bass riff and more self-deprecating lyrics. However, when you've practically invented your own genre, you can be forgiven for mining it somewhat. Meanwhile, an incendiary performance of Movement and an exuberant re-working of Daft Punk… bring a welcome familiarity that ignites the mosh-pit. Despite a technical glitch, the crowd are treated to a relentless run-through of Yeah - perhaps their finest moment. For 15 minutes it snakes in and out of recognition, encompassing disco-funk, ear-shredding techno and yes, a cowbell breakdown. Tellingly, there is no Losing My Edge. As Murphy pushes ever-forward into his own musical territory, perhaps he isn't looking over his shoulder so much these days. [Darren Carle]

Read Heather Crumley's review of LCD Soundsystem at Barrowlands Glasgow.