Comic Strip @ Dans Paleis

Naked women, funny guys - safe entertainment

Feature by Phil Gatt | 16 Aug 2011

Comic Strip promises to reinvigorate both comedy and burlesque by recalling the heady days of 1960s America: comics and strippers on the same bill, the promise of sexy chicks and challenging stand ups. This sense of danger is not replicated: Gypsy Wood is one of the biggest names in neo-burlesque - she has stripped for Australian Prime Ministers - but her brand of beauty and costume play is aesthetically beautiful, dramatic but unthreatening.

Disappointingly, none of the comics get close to Lenny Bruce or even Bill Hicks. There is way too much "aren't men and women different" musing and a lack of any sharp political edge. The worry about this line-up - that the women are sexy, the men funny - is partially softened by a female stand up and the humour of the stripteases.

Both Lada Redstar and Wood are slick and playful: the arrival of Missy Malone this week will add a much needed injection of uncomfortably direct and challenging sex appeal. It's entertainment, safe and predictable, a good night out made comfortable by the personable MC and a clear set of rules around audience participation. And the costumes are art works in themselves.

Assembly George Square Dans Paleis 5- 28 Aug 2011, various times