Culture Vulture: UK Culture News February Part 2

Feature by The Vulture | 10 Feb 2007

Peace Up

The 4th International Festival of Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace (catchy title) is running a series events called Mindfulness@Lunchtime, promising to invoke 'our inherent capacity for healing and renewal'. Proud of its scavenger origins, the Vulture would like to protest against this non-inclusive approach to eating philosophy, instead promoting a 'come one come all to the carcass' approach, taking into account that for many 'healing and renewal' are anathema, or, an empty belly. Running in parallel will be the 1st Cosmic Feast of Vulpine Hunger Fulfillment and General Mischief, at various venues around Ed 'n' Glas. Follow the trail of feathers…

Apocalypse Cow(gate)

Swooping down on the culinary jackpot of copious calzone remnants strewn across the gothic realm of the Cowgate in the wee small hours of a Sunday morning, The Vulture thought it was the world's end. A parade of vomiting goblins, clad in pink cowboy hats and murmuring in a close approximation to the Byker Grove tongue, dominated its narrow plain. After an initial paralysis to their slow, shimmying advance, The Vulture found salvation inside one of an inexplicable number of drinkeries in the vicinity and assured itself sternly: "the lord sent these people to test me."