The Above
they would do better to not underestimate the audience and leave a few gaps for the imagination.
| 15 Jun 2006
It would be great to say that this successful series of A Play, A Pie and A Pint ended on an exultant note. The open mouthed, murmuring audience reaction and the in-depth, rather scathing critique overhead as we headed out of the theatre and continued down Byres Road proved it was not to be. Where did it fall short? The cast of Gerry Mulgrew as Albie and Annemarie Fulton from Sweet Sixteen and River City fame did give the violent script a good go but the handling of the subject matter of a homeless man who lives on a roof above the city of Glasgow seemed to lack any meaningful substance. The timing was poor and the plot too obvious; they would have done better to not underestimate their audience and leave a few gaps for the imagination. In the words of a fellow punter, "Interesting." Nothing more. [Simone Gray]
Oran Mor, Glasgow, May 15-20.