Dedomegamix @ Phoenix

Article by Gareth K Vile | 08 Oct 2010

Two hours after the performance, my mother and Dedominici are deep in conversation, sharing their disappointment at Watford's mayor's inability to support the arts. Even after I drag her away, allowing Dedominici some time with the people who had arranged for him to perform in Wessex, she is planning ways for her ballet school to support his attack on Croyden. Sometimes, my big ideas are too successful.

Much as I wish it were, Live Art isn't all blood, piss, nudity and self-harm. There is a strand that is lightly ironic, witty and accessible: Bryony Kimming's tales of lust or Dedomenici's lecture demonstrations a case lead the pack. Since Dedominici is from Watford, I decided he was a good shout for my mother's first Live Art show. She finds Michael Clark a bit racy.

The Dedomegamix is a selection of greatest hits: a look back at a decade of pranks and antics. Watford: The Way Forward is an early highlight. Somehow, Dedomenici combines affection and mockery and his various more political lectures have enough good humour to express some tough ideas without getting caught in dogma. My mother likes the childhood memories, especially when she recognises the school he went to: I like the Godzilla attacking Croyden bits, when Dedominici unfurls his plan to create a Croyden-Watford rivalry.

His skill is self-deprecation combined with a sharp intelligence: he points to his ideas and not himself, and is always willing to laugh with the audience at his own foibles. Yet he never lets this interfere with the seriousness of his jokes. Even when getting stopped by the police on suspicion of plotting to blow up Holyrood, Dedominici is a well-intention gadfly jester.