Three by Three

Susannah Radford looks forward to nine days of exciting interdisciplinary workshops exclusive to Findhorn

Article by Susannah Radford | 18 Jul 2009

A spiritual awakening established the seaside village of Findhorn as a thriving and internationally renowned community. This July, it provides the setting for a another flourishing: 3x3, an exclusive series of interdisciplinary workshops developed by Bodysurf Scotland and Glasgow’s Dance House.

“Both Dance House and Bodysurf Scotland are engaged in promoting performances and training of cutting-edge relevance,” says Satya Dunning of Dance House. The three workshops, being held over nine days at the Foundation’s Universal Hall, push these boundaries

Jonathon Burrows and collaborator, composer Matteo Fargion, will discuss and explore the choreographic and compositional process and perform the UK premiere of ‘Cheap Lecture’ – “a talk in the form of a musical performance”.

Dancer Eva Karczag and installation artist Chris Crickmay will use an improvisational approach; the third workshop is led by the Gravity Interdisciplinary Dance/Performance Company- Jess Curtis, Claire Cunningham and Maria Scaroni. Cunningham, a Creative Scotland Award winner, will perform ‘Evolution’.

Dunning is excited that these workshops have a “strong team of first class and highly respected international artists, who are pushing the boundary of dance and performance and experimental work.

“Findhorn boasts a fantastic rural and coastal setting and friendly relaxed environment” she says. “The Findhorn Foundation community is conducive to study. It’s an opportunity to step outside your usual working and living environment, allowing nature to fuel creativity.”



3×3 Dance & Cross Art Collaboration, The Universal Hall, Findhorn, 9–17 July 2009. One workshop £150, two workshops £245, three workshops £325, Thu 9 – Sat 11 July Jonathan Burrows Choreographer England/Belgium Matteo Fargion Composer, England Sun 12 – Tue 14 July Eva Karczag Dance Artist, Netherlands Chris Crickmay Installation Artist/Writer, England Wed 15 – Fri 17 July Gravity Interdisciplinary Dance/Performance Company with Jess Curtis Choreographer/Director/Performer, Germany/USA Claire Cunningham Dancer/Vocalist/Songwriter/Aerialist, Scotland Maria Francesca Scaroni Dancer/Installation Artist/Writer, Germany/ and