Theatre Uncut @ Paterson's Land

Preview by Eric Karoulla | 30 Jul 2013

With the Scottish independence referendum looming, political theatre seems to be spreading. Theatre Uncut are just one of many companies at the Fringe trying to engage in the debate. Multiple award winners in 2012, political theatremakers Theatre Uncut are back this year with Dalgety and Fragile - a double bill written specifically for the company by David Greig.

Directed by Emma Callander, Dalgety follows two rural police officers in Dalgety Bay coming to terms with the appearance of the Naked Rambler. The second play on the bill is Fragile, directed by Hannah Price, which concerns itself with the repercussions of cuts in mental health support.

Theatre Uncut was set up in 2010 as a response to austerity measures and public spending cuts. The company allows plays to be downloaded and performed anywhere in the world, thus far involving over 3000 performers in 17 countries, leading to their nomination for an Amnesty International Freedom of Expression Award in 2012. [Eric Karoulla]

Double bill runs from 20-24 Aug, 15:00, at Paterson's Land.

Sneak previews of 2013 plays 5, 12, and 19 Aug. at the Traverse.

Tickets: various prices