Shimmy Once, Then Do It Again

The Skinny proudly announces the return of the Fringe's only dedicated dance magazine

Feature by Gareth K Vile | 19 Jul 2010

When The Shimmy was launched at Fringe 2009, a collaboration between Dance Base and The Skinny, it rapidly became an advocate for dance and physical theatre, while exploring new forms of criticism. Combining features, reviews and opinionated editorial, it covered Dance Base's programme and the broader currents of physical performance across the Festivals.

After last year's success, The Shimmy is extending its remit, to cover more shows and to include eclectic cabaret. Reaching out to other venues and performers, The Shimmy gives a platform to new ideas and new writers.

During August, The Shimmy will be published three times a week, with a thousand copies per day distributed around Edinburgh. With around 150 shows to cover, it caters to dance fans and those who are interested but uncertain about what dance offers.

The emphasis is on new and radical work: the exciting arrival of Liv Lorent's company, the batch of Irish work arriving at Dance Base, the Festival bookings of Pina Bausch's company and Alonzo King, Scottish Dance Theatre, the diversity hidden within C venues, circus like No Fit State and the cabaret of Kitty Cointreau's Brahaha, Blonde Ambition and the wonderful Kabarett from Itsy's Collective.

The Shimmy is part of the ongoing dialogue about dance's present and potential, a place for lively debate, radical ideas and cross-platform energy. Even Live Art's curmudgeon Ian Smith was moved to remark that The Shimmy gave him a vital insight into August's cavalcade: high praise from a man who regards the Fringe as a cesspit of carnality.