
Game Review by Josh Wilson | 24 Apr 2009
Game title: Wuggle
Publisher: 4J Studios
Release date: Out now
Price: £1.89

Wuggle is set to shake up the world of word games; it's a solid title, which is soaked in style and massively addictive, in a way few word games have managed before.

Taking inspiration from the ultimate word game (Scrabble, blatantly) Wuggle has you chucking around a bunch of tiles, in a manner far from the traditional end game Scrabble hissy fit. The aim is, unsurprisingly, to try and make the longest words possible (and so score the most points).

The beauty of Wuggle is in the control scheme (easily said on any iPhone title) - tiles are literally thrown around the screen, using phones touch sensing magician (or however it works) brilliantly. Most simply, words are formed by lining up tiles and bashing them together, easy peasy. The brilliant part comes when you get used to everything and start to use two hands. This serves to make things twice as fast and twice as hectic, but potentially massively point-lucrative. Not only this, but scoring a long word, after chucking the tiles about the screen to organize them, whilst getting ready to score yet another word, is incredibly satisfying. Pulling of this tile based lunacy effectively is difficult, but brilliant fun when you do.

Sadly, somtimes its a bit too easy to hit an errant tile by accident and score a word which, not only are you sure doesn't exist, has used two crucial letters and broken your multiplier chain (bye bye high score!) This infuriating niggle aside, there is a great and addictive game here. One which everyone can grasp easily and will keep coming back to. Wuggle is not only enjoyable for the words, but also for the way in which you score them.


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