American Wasteland is the latest offering from Tony and Neversoft, mixing the original career mode, a story mode, more moves (meaning clumsy controls and more bailing) and a bmx to play with. Even with all the new additions 'AW' feels hollow; the career mode is a rehash of levels from earlier games, which have then had half of their objectives stripped. Then there's the story mode, which is ok – the aim being to skate around LA 'proving' yourself to local skaters, but this just isn't as satisfying as the original four games. On top of this the 360 boasts no load times, but even this seems like a cop out, with you essentially just skating through a tunnel while the game loads the different areas. All in all this latest incarnation of the skate franchise is a big disappointment, give me 'THPS4' any day of the week. [Josh Wilson]
Out now on Xbox/360/PS2/GC. Published by Neversoft.
Price £49.99