Spider Man: Battle For New York (Activision)

You can win, eventually, but you will stop caring long before this happens

Game Review by Zach Morris | 11 Jan 2007
First impressions of BFNY were good: very nice graphics, pseudo cell shading mapped on a background of 3D worlds. Nice smooth animations. This was looking to be a good platformer. Until... well, until you get into the game. Those nice, shiny animations are the game's downfall. This is typified by the first boss: while the fat green lump is performing a move, he is in effect invulnerable. And after you attack, while you're still moving back to your normal stance, you're in deep shit - even if he has a slow attack and you get in there well before he hits. Nada. You can win, eventually, but you will stop caring long before this happens. Activision deserves to sit in the naughty corner for this one. There is no way this half arsed pile of horrific gameplay should be allowed to be sold. Even if it is Christmas. [Zach Morris]
Release Date: Out now for DS. RRP - £29.99. http://www.activision.com