PDC World Darts Championship (Oxygen Interactive)
I'm a darts fan; I enjoy both playing and watching this sport of kings. So I was understandably intrigued by a computer game of this most noble pastime. Alas, it would appear that darts should stay in the pub. Granted, seeing Phil 'The Power' Taylor, a true British Hero (13 world championships under his belt), and another 12 of today's top players, all represented in polygonal format is, at the very least, humorous. It's just a shame that the game feels rather pointless. The controls work very well to simulate the difficulty of the sport: the mouse is used to great effect to dictate the power of your throws, with only slight movements to the side resulting in some unwanted spin, meaning it's still very hard to get that treble 20. There are lots of options, for every kind of darts you could imagine. It is, technically, a very good game, representing darts well. However, it's hard to care. Darts has always been a social sport; a few games with your mates and a pint. So why would you want to sit in front of your computer to play? Answer: you wouldn't, darts just wasn't meant to be digitised. [Zach Morris]