Fright of the Bumblebees

Game Review by Murray Kendall | 27 May 2009
Game title: Fright of the Bumblebees
Publisher: Telltale Games
Release date: Out now
Price: £6.00

The developers have managed well to emulate the character and atmosphere of the Wallace and Gromit series of animated films, and while you initially miss the familiar voice of Peter Sallis as Wallace, you quickly get used to it as you get involved in the plot of the game.

The fun from any point and clicker like this comes down to the quality of the humour and the puzzles. The jokes should be funny, and the puzzles should be logical, giving a real sense of achievement when you solve one.

Sadly the game relies too heavily on the comedy accents provided by the cast, and the overuse of Gromit stopping to look at you directly with a fed up expression whenever his master does anything silly can grate. Fans of the films will likely be well entertained though, and perhaps the game is targeted at a younger audience who will be able to laugh out loud at comedy bees and demented old army majors, but then the puzzles are in no way suitable for newcomers to the genre.

Whilst some of the puzzles were logical and fun to work out, there's just a few too many that could have you clicking on lots of different items and then clicking on other items in the forlorn hope that something might eventually happen to help you.

Overall, the game is enjoyable to play, it just could have been better. And while the game is short - taking a fraction of the completion time of some of it's larger competitors if it had more logical puzzles - at roughly £6.00 per episode, it's good value for any fan of the genre.