Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements(Ubisoft)

This old formula could still make a good game - but this isn't it.

Game Review by Ryan Agee | 01 Apr 2008
In Dark Messiah, you play as either an Archer, a Mage, a Knight or a Priestess, and each as as dull as the next. This is one of those Dungeons and Dragons style games where you are sent on quests to collect spells or objects which assist you towards a larger goal. There's no reason that this old formula couldn't still make a good game - but this isn't it. The control system is overcomplicated and underresponsive, meaning that simple tasks, like picking up a key, quickly try your patience. Combat is mostly a matter of hammering the control pad until you win. The graphics are good, but the frame rate is not, meaning that the game only really looks good when you aren't moving. After a while, you won't want to anyway. If you play this long enough, you might get drawn in, but there's no real reason to play Dark Messiah at all. [Ryan Age])
Out Now on X360
RRP £39.99