Spare a Penny: Cheap Student Nights Out
How to scrimp on a night out and still have a brilliant time
Pres is key
Drinks are expensive. For a night out, that poses a rather obvious problem, so your best option is to think ahead. Get yourself down to your local supermarket, stock up on stupidly cheap value lager or some discount brand spirit and get yourself started before the word ‘taxi’ has even been suggested.
Just keep strolling, strolling, strolling…
On that note, don’t get a taxi – walk to the club, even if it’s in Mordor. If you do have to cab it, try blagging a cheeky “I don’t have any cash on me, I’ll buy you a drink when we’re there instead” to your mates and that should suffice. Just don’t forget (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) to buy that drink later.
Free, not fee
An entrance fee? To a club? Nah. Go somewhere where they don’t charge for the privilege of gracing their dancefloor with your sick moves. If you have to pay, continue with the “but I've got no money” line you blagged in the taxi and hope your pals (again) have you covered.
Not today, cloakroom
Honestly, £2 just to hang up your rank, old ASOS jacket is far too much. Instead, wear it like a fashion statement. Tie it around your waist and give zero fucks. Even if it’s a puffer jacket, other partygoers will definitely appreciate your serious sense of style (promise).
Get away from the bar (tell your boyfriend hold your jar)
Seriously, stay away from the bar, it’s nothing but trouble. If you’d have done pres right, there’d be no need for it anyway. That is, unless, you’ve got some generously drunk mates who are willing to flash the notes to pay for your drinks. These are good people. Ensure they hang around for the long haul.
Let’s talk about chips, baby
Scran after a night out go together like bread and butter. It’s a staple tradition of British nightlife, but £3.50 for large chips at a takeaway?! Yeah, no. Instead, make sure you’ve got some good yums stacked in your freezer for when you get back home. Sure, waiting for your mates to scoff their oil-slathered grub may be a tough experience, but focus on that generous plate of frozen fries, chicken nuggets or pizza that's waiting for you back at your gaff. Plus, it'll taste better because it’s technically free (N.B. it’s not, you just bought it earlier).