6 Essential Student Apps
Find inspiration, keep your health in check and save yourself from fumbling with a handful of pennies with our selection of excellent apps for your smartphone
Adobe Capture
For all your art and design students out there, this app turns your phone or iPad into a ‘creation machine’. It uses your phone’s camera to recognise everything from colour palettes and vectors, to fonts that might catch your eye on your daily stroll to a lecture. Really like that movie poster at the cinema, or the typeface on that shampoo bottle? Just take a pic of it and this app will roll out similar fonts, an array of colour swatches and recognise patterns and styles that you can save for later when you want to create something in your next project. [Sarah Donley] (Download on iTunes/Android)
Been on a night out and want to get home without having to pay the earth for an Uber? Nowhere near your flat, it’s just started pissing it down, you don’t have any change and you just want to get home? Or perhaps you’re leaving the city to visit the ‘rents but you’re worried about losing your return ticket at some point along the way? Download the m-ticket app for all your Edinburgh transport (trams and buses) and Glasgow First Bus needs and never worry about coin again! [Tallah Brash] (Download on iTunes/Android)
If you take a pic on your phone and you actually want to give it a proper edit before sharing with the masses on Instagram, these apps will keep you right. From creating double exposures to dodging and burning, spot healing and so much more, these apps are basically easy-to-use mini-Photoshops in the palm of your hand. VSCO also has the added feature of its own sharing platform so you can share your work with other budding photographers. [SD] (Download VSCO/Snapseed)
Uni life all getting a bit much? Feel like you’re anxious AF with all the STUFF you’ve got to do and you’ve only got a tenner in your bank til your next SAAS payment? You need some headspace. This is a really nice meditation app which helps you to take a couple of minutes out of your day to relax, regulate your breathing and allow yourself a moment of calm. Beautifully designed with cool characters and different levels you can pass through to bring calmness and serenity into your everyday life. [SD] (Download Headspace on iTunes/Android)
This one goes out to only 51% of the population… basically, this is a period tracker – not for your classes, but for your monthly menstrual cycle. While it may sound super dull, it’s actually an essential app to help you keep track of your body and what it’s up to: log how heavy your flow is, how frequent it is when you have sex, doctor’s appointments, PMS etc. What’s more, it’s free and predicts your next 3 cycles, helping you worry less about your memory. [TB] (Download Clue on iTunes/Android)
If This Then That is a very special app, in that it ties all your other apps together to create genuinely useful solutions to your problems. Save all your Instagram photos straight to your Dropbox account, create automated archives of your Spotify recommendations, set up extremely selective email forwarding so only your very best pals can bother you when you’re on holiday – the possibilities are endless. [Peter Simpson] (Download iTunes/Android)