Conversations with an Independent Escort Part Two
In the second of our interviews with independent escort Laura Lee, she tells Ana Hine about the stigma associated with sex work
Can you tell me a time where the system failed – how would you change it to make sure something like that doesn’t happen again?
There was one lady who asked me to do security for her one night in Glasgow. That’s where she calls me when she gets there and calls me when she leaves. I wouldn’t say this was a failure though, more of a success. We have code words in place, obviously I’m not going to reveal them now, but just say for example I had told her when she gets there if she says, “Hi, I’m here. Everything’s fine.” Then that’s okay. But if she gets there and phones me and says, “Hi, I’m here. Everything’s fine. Ooh, he’s just given me a lovely glass of wine.” Then I know something’s up.
She gets there and there’s no communication from her for about twenty minutes after she’s due to arrive. I’m thinking, hum… odd. I phone her. She says, “Hey, I’m sorry I meant to phone you. Everything’s fine, I’m just having a nice glass of wine.” I phone through to the hotel and I get through to the guy’s room. I say, “There’s a girl there who doesn’t feel particularly safe with you at the moment.” He says, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I say, “Well how would you like it if I phone the reception of this hotel and tell them you have a prostitute in your room that you’re holding against her will? Not clever. I’d let her go if I were you.” He did.
It emerged that he was high, out of his nut on coke. She was dead scared and he was being really forceful with her. I guess it pays to be really ballsy in those situations.
Oh, I had one girl (this is a couple years ago) and she phoned me up, “I’ve got my first booking!” I was like, “Oh cool!” She asked me to do security for her. I ask her what she’s got planned. She says they’re going to pay her time and a half. I’m like, “Why…?” She says, “Oh, cause it’s two guys. They want to do double penetration.”
“Nooooo! Are you mad?!” What chance to do you stand against two guys, let alone against one? Someone with a bit more savvy and experience, like myself, might do that. But that would only be when I’d checked both references for both guys and have names and faces on record.
This girl was going in totally green. It could have been really bad.
I had a dreadful booking the other night, and I phoned this lady (her friend ____ who is touring with her). It’s just good to be able to let it out. Similarly if a booking’s been really great, we’ll brag about it to each other. “I’ve just been rolling around with a twenty-five year-old marine, had multiple orgasms, and I got paid for it!” It keeps you sane.
Some men who I've spoken to have said they have had problems with getting emotionally attached to people they saw.
Well I’ve had, I have, present tense, very strong feelings for one of my clients. I would never tell him because it would ruin the professional aspect of it. I’ve had situations where clients will say they’ve developed feelings for me. You’ve just got to have really strong boundaries and say, “Look, I’m a paid companion. It’s great that you feel that way, and I’m really flattered, but if you continue to use that sort of language I’m afraid I won’t be able to see you anymore."
Of course it happens. There’s this saying, isn’t there, that you can’t have sex without love. Clearly I don’t feel that way, I have sex for commercial reasons, but certain men do. They read something into it that just isn’t there.
It’s possible to have a really strong friendship with them. There are guys I’ve known for years who will take me away for the weekend. I mean, let’s face it, if you don’t get on as people you’re not going to last that length of time.
Do you ever have to deal with jealousy from partners outside your job?
I don’t really like to speak about it, because that’s my private life. I have quite an unorthodox relationship. But then, it’s 2012, what’s an orthodox relationship anymore?
How does the stigma surrounding sex work affect your life?
The only reason I don’t show my face on my website is because of my daughter and because of the stigma that surrounds what I do. I find that really hard to deal with. It’s not that I’m ashamed about it, not at all, but she would be picked on at school. There’s no two ways about that and it’s not fair on her. I don’t feel that she should suffer as a result of what I choose to do for a living.
She knows what I do. Well, in a watered down fashion. She’s still quite young and she’s still at the stage where she thinks sex is the most boring thing that she’s ever heard of. Long may that last. She has her head around the idea that I provide companionship. I’ve talked about it to her and told her that some people think it’s appalling, they hate what I do and hate me for doing it, so that’s why it’s essential we don’t talk about it at parent’s night.