Weezer - Troublemaker


Single Review by Chris Buckle | 22 Sep 2008
Single title: Troublemaker
Artist: Weezer
Label: Interscope
Release date: 29 Sep

It's odd that a band who made their name with fun, catchy odes to damaged jumpers are so frequently dismissed these days as cheesy or ‘past it’. The Red Album had many erstwhile fans turning their noses up, just as they have for everything Rivers Cuomo has released in the last decade. Reality is, Troublemaker’s chunky guitars and simple melody equates to classic Weezer, with lyrics (“I’m gonna be a star / And people will crane necks / To get a glimpse of me / And see if I am having sex”) that mix gonzo wit with the usual tongue-in-cheek grandstanding. And if it ain't broke... [Chris Buckle]
