The Restless Natives - Stranded

unable to break away from oversimplified, three-chord, unremarkable tunes

Single Review by Lucy Weir | 13 Oct 2006
Single title: Stranded
Artist: The Restless Natives
Label: Misguided
Despite the catchy name and allowing for difficulties posed by self-producing a record, the Restless Natives simply do not present anything particularly unique. Heavily under the influence of thrashy punk bands like Stiff Little Fingers, this collection of tracks comes out sounding more like a garage band unable to break away from oversimplified, three-chord, unremarkable tunes. Sharon McGregor makes a valiant effort on vocals, but her voice simply isn't strong enough to carry over the instruments, often wandering from the rest of the band and, on occasion, from the tune itself. While it's not all bad - the bassist certainly demonstrates notable talent - the Restless Natives lack maturity, cohesion and originality. [Lucy Weir]
This EP is out now.