The Horrors - She Is The New Thing

Goth-rock gods or a bunch of kids who've watched too many Hammer Horror films?

Single Review by Dan Coxon | 10 Jul 2007
Single title: She Is The New Thing
Artist: The Horrors
Label: Loog
The Horrors debate has already been raging for several months now, and shows no signs of abating. Dark-hearted geniuses, or The Birthday Party rip-offs? She Is The New Thing certainly won't resolve the debate, but it does show what they're capable of when they spend a little less time toying with hair products. The pulsating rhythms carry a suitable air of impending doom, while Faris spits out his vocals as if they've left a bad taste in his mouth. Regardless of whether they're Goth-rock gods or a bunch of kids who've watched too many Hammer Horror films, for once The Horrors sound like they mean it. [Dan Coxon]
Release Date: 25 June. http://WWW.THEHORRORS.CO.UK