The Answering Machine - Oklahoma

a generic indie-pop romp, painfully dated and relying on a shop-worn average-guy personality and a four-square beat.

Single Review by Gareth K Vile | 13 Oct 2006
Single title: Oklahoma
Artist: The Answering Machine
Label: High Voltage Sounds
The Answering Machine tumble along, almost holding a tune and only occasionally singing out of tune. The poor production and obscure imagery ("her eyes are black like telephones" is mystifying rather than sensual or evocative) prevent Oklahoma from being anything other than a generic indie-pop romp, painfully dated and relying on a shop-worn average-guy personality and a four-square beat. Nothing is added to the template set out by the post-punk pop bands of the mid-1980s: the Answering Machine could be broadening their musical taste or learning a few new chords, even if there is a ready market for drab rambling. [Gareth K Vile]
This single is out on October 16.