Sixty Watt Bayonets - Pounding Hearts, Fighting Words

Single Review by Lauren Mayberry | 01 Jul 2009
Single title: Pounding Hearts, Fighting Words
Artist: Sixty Watt Bayonets
Label: Broken Tail Records
Release date: 13 July

Vocally similar to an English version of now defunct Glasgow outfit Bad Dancer, the Sixty Watt Bayonet singer's tunefulness is questionable at points, lack of dynamic range causing her wail to come off a little brash. Opener 1933 sets the tone, with sharp guitars and syncopated indie-disco rhythms, but vocals smacking of Forward Russia.

Each track seems to possess what was envisioned as a riotous gang shouting segment, yet the results is rather like The Automatic. Things begin to slip into a pattern, guitar lines echoing Bloc Party, especially in Brighton Town, and My Heart Won't Rest being the only track to offer a significantly different drumbeat to its cohorts. Short and to the point, this effort is easy, albeit its songs not always distinguishable from each other.