Senadee - My Fault

Single Review by Euan Ferguson | 03 Feb 2010
Single title: My Fault
Artist: Senadee
Label: Prosumer Records
Release date: 22 Feb

Senadee’s debut single sounds like an uncomfortable cross between a surly, swaggering, duffeled-up Northerner in the mould of Richard Ashcroft or Ian Brown, flanked by the anthemic euphoria of Coldplay or Angels and Airwaves. If that sounds like your cup of tea, then read on. Although My Fault may be an infectious toe-tapper, it’s all a bit too slick to be wholly likeable. Senadee’s (the name doesn’t help - it sounds like a brand of laxative) voice is powerful and warm, but the broken beats and sanitised synths need a bit of a rugged going-over to scrape off some of that sheen. [Euan Ferguson]