Royworld - Man in the Machine

Hot on the heels of Scouting for Girls

Single Review by Graeme Blaikie | 06 Mar 2008
Single title: Man in the Machine
Artist: Royworld
Label: Virgin
There are some bands who take elements of '80s music and do something genuinely innovative with it, while there are others that sound as naff as the worst of that decade's music did. Hot on the heels of Scouting for Girls' recent inexplicable chart domination, we now have Royworld, who want to be Roxy Music but are more akin to one hit wonders The Buggles. Man In The Machine has a highly irritating piano riff, annoyingly mannered vocals and, unfortunately, a very infectious melody that will delight those with no discerning musical taste and infuriate everyone else who hears it. [Graeme Blaikie]
Release Date: 3 Mar