Pull Tiger Tail - Mr 100 Percent

At one point it tries to be emo but can't even muster that

Single Review by Nick Mitchell | 11 Jan 2007
Label: B-Unique
With the standard-issue Franz-esque guitar bop and standard-issue disco-punk drumbeat (you know the one), 'Mr 100 Percent' is a blatant, talent-free attempt to grab a slice of the (increasingly stale) indie pie before the ravenous A&R men finish it off once and for all. Pull Tiger Tail sound like an approximation of a band rather than genuine musicians, and this faintly-listenable yet utterly ineffectual 'product' has neither sparky hook nor lyrical insight. At one point it tries to be emo but can't even muster that. Next to these hollow plagiarists even Snow Patrol seem interesting. [Nick Mitchell]
Release Date: Out now. http://www.pulltigertail.com/