Miracle Fortress - Have You Seen In Your Dreams

A synth line that dips heartily from the well of Loveless inspiration.

Single Review by Tobias Kahn | 06 Jan 2008
Single title: Have You Seen In Your Dreams
Artist: Miracle Fortress
Label: Rough Trade
Have You Seen In Your Dreams is a pretty little slice of psychedelic electro-rock along the lines of Caribou and Animal Collective. The track features whimsical vocals tangled in a mass of confidently chugging guitars, electronic blips, and a synth line that dips heartily from the well of Loveless inspiration. Miracle Fortress' sound is also indebted to Brian Eno, though the ambient luminary's influence doesn't necessarily translate to the three minute pop format. Have You Seen In Your Dreams is too focused on conjuring textures and lacks a dramatic arch. It's a beautiful and ethereal ride, but it doesn't really take you anywhere. [Tobias Kahn]
Out Now http://www.myspace.com/miraclefortress