ddd - Trojan Horse / Wall To Wall

Dark, slightly daft but utterly epic

Single Review by Chris Bathgate | 09 Aug 2007
Single title: Trojan Horse / Wall To Wall
Artist: ddd
Label: White Heat
Thudding bass and knee-trembling epileptic beats kick off "Trojan Horse" and keep right on. Ddds' industrial, production-line rhythm mixes techno and scratching, distorted guitars and the messed-up rhythms are compulsive in the way the best punk tracks are. Ddd is joined here by Kris Jenkins from Supper Furries. The b-side, Wall to Wall is as suffocating and intense as The Normal's electro anthem Warm Leatherette but with much extra width. Trojan Horse screams along like a battered, whinging Dalek and should have you playing air-headbutt with the curtains closed. This whines out to be a dark, and slightly daft but epic single. [Chris Bathgate]
Out now http://www.whiteheatrecords.com