Bauer - Starting Again

Presses all the right buttons for what makes a successful song today

Single Review by Barry Jackson | 06 Jan 2008
Single title: Starting Again
Artist: Bauer
Label: Naz
What was so damn good about the 80s anyway? 'Synth-pop!' chorus Bauer in unison, before they play you a spin of their new single which showcases one of the better uses of the synth in recent times. But with The Killers, Bravery et al only too happy to make the much maligned instrument the centre of the song again, it's not as if our eardrums have been in dire need of the 'synth-effect' lately is it? Still, Starting Again presses all the right buttons, then sits back and waits to go rocketing up the Downloads chart. All cynicism aside though, Bauer actually sound like they mean it. [Barry Jackson]

Release Date: 21 Jan