Single Review by Emil Antonowsky | 28 Feb 2013
Single title: EP426
Label: Self-released
Release date: Out Now

It’s hard to talk about Edinburgh trio VASQUEZ without first acknowledging their debt to the great lineage of progressive instrumental rock bands who taught the world how to throw down a heavy groove and project a sense of fun without becoming a massive parody – from agenda-setters like Don Caballero and Trans Am to, most recognisably in the juddering time signatures of this latest six-track EP, New York mavericks Battles. 

But far from some half-cocked facsimile, these technically gifted players are more like welcome latecomers to that party than some shit-faced gatecrashers spitting in the punch bowl. Of the highlights here, POW! is precisely the slap in the pus its title suggests, with a hypnotic groove that’s difficult to leave behind, whereas Harmonise It’s sublime surf-rock motif takes an unexpected but entirely satisfying detour into a full-on digital riot. More please. [Emil Antonowsky]

Supporting Hey Enemy at Bar Bloc, Glasgow on 19 Mar.