The Presidents of the United States of America - Ladybug EP

Single Review by Ewen Millar | 28 Jan 2009
Single title: Ladybug EP
Artist: The Presidents of the United States of America
Label: Cooking Vinyl
Release date: 26 Jan

Some bands grow old disgracefully, comprised of dinosaur rock stars who seem oblivious to the fact that they are no longer 19. The Presidents were never cool enough in the first place to really shock with their mid-life escapades, so there's something oddly liberating about their recent output, which seems tailor-made for parents and kids to sing along to in the car on the way to daycare. EP opener Ladybug sounds like They Might Be Giants beefing up with a touch of distortion, and Rooftops in Spain revels in a chorus that largely consists of an Elvis-esque 'uh-huh, uh uh'. It's quite easy to imagine the Presidents' teenage offspring (if they have any) rolling their eyes at their goofy parents, still doing their 'band' thing. [Ewen Millar]

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