Japanese Voyeurs - Sicking & Creaming EP

Single Review by Ewen Millar | 05 Oct 2009
Single title: Sicking & Creaming EP
Artist: Japanese Voyeurs
Label: Slimeball
Release date: 5 Oct

One of the oft-forgotten facts about 90s grunge is that quite a lot of the bands involved weren't actually any good [presumably you're talking about the wave that came in the latter half of that decade? - ed], and alternative indie is far better off these days, thank you very much. No one seems to have told Japanese Voyeurs though, who have managed to embrace the ideal of grunge without being chained to its cliches. Phenomenal opener Dumb is not afraid of big fat mosh-pit invoking riffs which is coralled and broken in service of a 'song' that nonchalantly sneers at melody. Elsewhere, on X-Ray Ted and the caustic You're So Cool, sugar-candy flavoured (if somewhat derranged) female vocals happily straddle monster riffs of QOTSA/Bleach-era Nirvana proportions. Tasty.
