TK Webb & The Visions - Ancestor

From the dampened, vinyl-like sound quality to the heavy solo riffage throughout, these guys nod their scruffy bearded chins and long-haired heads directly at the 70s

Album Review by Emma Smith | 29 Aug 2008
Album title: Ancestor
Artist: TK Webb and The Visions
Label: Kemado
Release date: 1 Sep

After outgrowing the confines of the reputation he built for himself as a solo-acoustic artist on the New York circuit, Kansas City native Thomas Kelly Webb has assembled himself a band, The Visions, with the ambition to pay respect to some of his classic rock influences. This is, then, a record that will be familiar to many - from the dampened, vinyl-like sound quality to the heavy solo riffage throughout, these guys nod their scruffy bearded chins and long-haired heads directly at the 70s. However, they do not come off nearly as arrogant as the majority of their stadium rock forefathers, with this record’s bluesy Americana tinges appearing soulfully melancholic on tracks like God Bless The Little Angels, suggesting a deep level of thought has gone into its creation. Pairing the affable warmth produced by the scuzzy guitars and gravelly vocal with more threatening lyrics steers Webb and co. away from playing this homage safe. [Emma Smith]