The Tarka Groove Experiment - I've Fallen Over

seems like the perfect soundtrack for a poignant coming of age film (or maybe just an episode of the OC)

Album Review by Lauren Mooney | 10 Feb 2007
Album title: I've Fallen Over
Artist: The Tarka Groove Experiment
Label: Consequence
The Tarka Groove Experiment are difficult to classify, as they span many genres: from funk to blues to confessional indie rock. Clearly influenced by Ben Harper, this seven-piece band also evoke comparisons to Tracy Chapman, mostly for the soulful expression that is James Fender's voice, with Desiree Thorpe adding an understated beauty on backup vocals. Much of the music here seem like the perfect soundtrack for a poignant coming of age film (or maybe just an episode of the OC). Best on show by far is '5108', with its lyrics of a delicate nature and an ability to break your heart; begging to be played in a scene where best mates are being made to say goodbye. It's not all sad news though; the slide guitar on 'You've All Become Giants' simply demands that you just stomp your feet. Overall, I've Fallen Over is an experience not to be missed. [Lauren Mooney]
Release date: 5 Feb.