The Gothenburg Address - The Gothenburg Address

Album Review by Chris Buckle | 23 Oct 2009
Album title: The Gothenburg Address
Artist: The Gothenburg Address
Label: I Messiah
Release date: 7 Dec

The Gothenburg Address have two on guitars, one on bass, one on drums and zero on vocals; looks like it’s time to dig out the Post-Rock Thesaurus. So, are they glacial, turbulent, fervent or shimmering? Yes, frequently in quick succession. Are their crescendos tear-inducing, awe-inspiring, goosebump-raising or just plain old ‘soaring’? That’s too subjective to declare definitively - like most instrumental post-rock (particularly that which comes with non sequitur track titles like Senior in the Stripper’s Light) their ebbs and swells are something of a Rorschach test for the listener to gauge their emotions by. They might mine the same bruised vein as a dozen others (Mogwai the most obvious national example), but frequent changes in speed - in addition to the genre’s more expected variations in volume - distinguish them from the field’s more pedestrian exponents. The Gothenburg Address are a storm on a mountain and a cliff-top in the rain and they’re bloody excellent. [Chris Buckle]

Supporting Gliss at Electric Circus, Edinburgh on 3 Nov and also playing The Caves, Edinburgh on 19 Dec.