Sileni - Riders On The Conquering Worm

Album Review by Stephen Toman | 23 Apr 2009
Album title: Riders On The Conquering Worm
Artist: Sileni
Label: Self Released
Release date: Out Now

Arriving in a none-more-black casing and featuring only an enigmatic postcard of an alien along with the barest details of personnel, Sileni’s debut full-length seems downright baffling before the CD has been removed from its tray. Featuring only one track over its forty-odd (very odd) minutes, it sounds like an anvil in a washing machine with a wrestler trying to talk loudly over the noise – all scraping, clunking beats and cyclical skewed and skronky melodies repeated until you feel sick. Sileni’s hip-hop is a far cry from the hockey-shirt pimps’n’hos, one-beat-for-five-minutes style that has become de rigueur for the genre. Never an easy listen, its sheer abrasiveness will have many reaching for the eject button, although others will revel in the digital glitches and distorted blastbeats. A lazy journalist may call it SunnO))) as mixed by MF Doom (oops); suffice it to say this will melt your face.

Available here for free download.