Or, The Whale - Light Poles and Pines

A competent record, but gives the impression that there's a better one inside them fighting to get out

Album Review by Chris Cusack | 09 Aug 2007
Album title: Light Poles and Pines
Artist: Or, The Whale
Label: Self Released
As a genre, alt-country can evoke the same reaction from many people as scoffing an entire ice cream cone in ten seconds. Perhaps because, too often, bands affiliating themselves with said moniker master the art of playing music that fits the criteria yet forget the songs to go with it. Opening track Call and Response initially suggests that Or, the Whale have avoided this pitfall and joined the ranks of The Shins and Fruit Bats, both of whom purvey rich melodies and memorable hooks. Unfortunately, Light Poles and Pines can't maintain this pace much beyond the opening number. It becomes a succession of well structured but slightly unremarkable janglings. Only again on track eight, the wistful and engaging Rope Don't Break is Or, the Whale's potential once again highlighted. Two very good songs, however, seem unlikely to drag alt-country into the musical spotlight. This is certainly a competent record, but gives the impression that there's a better one inside them fighting to get out. [Chris Cusack]
Out now. http://www.myspace.com/orthewhale