Official Secrets Act - Understanding Electricity

Album Review by Ray Philp | 30 Mar 2009
Album title: Understanding Electricity
Artist: Official Secrets Act
Label: One Little Indian
Release date: 30 Mar

The Official Secrets Act of 1989 is the latest revision of a Parliamentary act initiated in 1911. There have been numerous alterations made since 1911, and history dictates that more will follow. It's apt then that this Official Secrets Act of 2009 also feel like a work in progress. Their album is initially encouragin:; The Girl From The BBC is a catchy Vaudevillian shuffle of electric guitar, and A Head For Herod is a stylishly restrained ode to rejection. However, where Understanding Electricity shows impressive composure in places, it is bereft of identity elsewhere. The album drowns in the volume of influences the band lay claim to, which threatens to render it as crude pastiche. The group are also patently disinterested in increasing the tempo, particularly on the dreary Mainstream. Despite these faults, Official Secrets Act are still worth your attention, and a few amendments should ensure that they keep it.