Jacopo Carreras - From Bed to Couch

Album Review by Nicol J. Craig | 27 Aug 2008
Album title: From Bed to Couch
Artist: Jacopo Carreras
Label: Lan Muzic
Release date: 8 Sep

It’s pretty remarkable when an album lives up to its press release, but with From Bed to Couch Jacopo Carreras has managed to create an intriguing synthesis of music, one that you should not let go by. This is an album that shouts a giant ‘fuck you’ to keeping to one genre or its sound spectrum. Rather, Carreras' overriding principle is to fill the sonic space, keeping his listener's curiosity absorbed by the complexity of his electronic work. Even tracks like Sbangy and Gentle Touch, which feel like they have come from a minimal origin, have more than enough going on to keep the brain engaged as well as satisfied. Carreras regularly uses consonant drone sounds to great effect; strings and brass synths hold lengthy notes that create feelings of euphonious pleasure. What’s really great about From Bed to Couch is that it has an ‘expect the unexpected’ feel, and a concoction of styles on nearly every track. It’s hard to say whether he’s pushed any one genre’s boundaries further, but he’s taken electronic music and given it personality and busy-ness, something this reviewer has been gagging for.

Release date: 8 Sept 08