Hamfatter - What Part Of Hamfatter Do You Not Understand?

Very much like listening to the dreary boasts of some smarmy git student about their wacky gap year escapades.

Album Review by Ally Brown | 10 Jul 2007
Album title: What Part Of Hamfatter Do You Not Understand?
Artist: Hamfatter
Label: Pink Hedgehog

Pause - that's quite enough of that. It's 21st Century Sex, which is nothing to do with sex despite what the Divine Comedy-aimed croon of the chorus says, and Cambridge boys Hamfatter have decided to lecture us about the pointlessness of MySpace and the comparative merits of touring Europe and Japan instead, where real friends can be met. Eh? That's no use to us! Coming hot on the heels of leading single Sziget -- which is about getting wrecked and watching Radiohead at the Budapest festival -- and Karma, which promises to "drive us all round Europe in this messed-up van," and references Radiohead, again; it's now very much like listening to the dreary boasts of some smarmy git student about their wacky gap year escapades. Oh yeah? You're great. The part of Hamfatter that these ears can't understand is the part that supposes the worth in recording and releasing an album. With nothing to contribute but a 'quirky' sense of fun, Hamfatter should concentrate on securing lunchtime appearances at family-friendly festivals, or, alternatively, getting a proper job. [Ally Brown]

Release Date: 16 July.
