Gasgiant - Uncertainty Principle

The musical equivalent of that kid at a party who insists on sitting alone in the corner.

Album Review by Ali Maloney | 17 Mar 2006
Album title: Uncertainty Principle
Artist: Gasgiant
Label: Floppy Records
This is the shyest music I've ever heard - the musical equivalent of that kid at a party who insists on sitting alone in the corner. And when you try and spark up a conversation, he'll mutter something, then you'll suddenly be distracted and when you turn around... he's gone. Gasgiant's music seems to resolutely defy being payed attention to, almost like it does not want to be any more than background noise. There'll be an occasional flurry of interesting guitar or drum work, but as soon as your ears prick up it'll blush and revert to unoffensive mediocrity. "Post rock" music for people without emotion. [Ali Maloney]
Uncertainty Principle' is out now