Eyes of Others – Eyes of Others
Like memories from a night out, Eyes of Others is a fug of ticking drum machines, acid basslines, dub-style synth stabs and warped delay
On Eyes of Others – John Bryden’s self-titled debut LP on Heavenly Recordings – the Edinburgh musician embraces his self-confessed “post-pub-couldn’t-get-in-
The spirit of Ivor Cutler hovers over this album in its playfulness and deadpan humour, but that doesn’t account for its abundance of brilliant musical moments. Opening track Once, Twice, Thrice blooms into life with an outstanding slo-mo synth hook that you'll be singing for weeks after; New Hair New Me sits at the heart of the album – a perversely uplifting anthem about repressing joy – full of ukuleles, hand-claps and synth brass melodies; Jargon Jones & Jones comfortably sits in a sleazy digidub groove as Bryden complains about being too old to go out anymore.
This album has been a long time in the making and, while Bryden may insinuate he’s past it, this feels like the work of someone who has spent years whittling his music down to create a genuine and original personal expression.
Listen to: Once, Twice, Thrice, Safehouse, Jargon Jones & Jones