Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Déja Vu Live

Album Review by Jason Morton | 16 Sep 2008
Album title: Déja Vu Live
Artist: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Label: Reprise
Release date: Out Now

A conversation of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young’s merits could be the same today as it was in the 70s. Fan 1: “Have you heard that new album by CSNY?” Fan 2: “Yeah, man … they totally slag off President _____. That’s awesome!” With some prescience, these vets reunited shortly before the Bush presidency, giving them a ready audience for their protest folk-rock. And fortunately, CSNY don’t merely trot out old hits in hopes of a quick sell for this live DVD soundtrack. Rather, the record relies heavily upon Neil Young’s recent work – and with the current state of US politics, he’s had ample inspiration. Unfortunately, though, the 60s-style polemics feel dated here, coming in an era where politically aware musicians go for subtlety or a slap in the face. Young’s Let’s Impeach the President is about the closest they get to the jugular, but it’s telling that the dual presence of lyric-less piano ballad Living with War – Theme arouses the most emotion. [Jason Morton]


The DVD edition of Déja Vu is released on 29 Sep.