A Muso's Top Ten: The Horrors

If Spider's enthusiasm is anything to go by, he must be seriously feeling these melodies...

Feature by Anon | 10 Jul 2007

The Horrors are just one of many bands The Skinny digs who are playing T in the Park this month. We recently accosted Rhys (AKA 'Spider') Webb and made him give his top tunes of the moment. "They can all be sourced," he assures us. "They're not just obscurities for the sake of it." If the man's enthusiasm is anything to go by, he must be seriously feeling these melodies...

1. Joe Meek and the Blue Men - I Hear a New World
2. Delia Derbyshire - Ziw-zih Ziw-zih Oo-oo-oo
3. Mitty Collier - Pain
4. Various - Rumble in the Jungle
5. Porter Wagner - Rubber Room
6. The Monks - I Hate You
7. July - Dandelion Seeds
8. John Layton - Johnny Remember Me
9. The Chants - I Don't Care
10. Caleb - Baby Your Phrasing Is Bad

Talking Horrors, the winner of the first Fat Buddha Skinny showcase - illustrator David Lupton - has since made the awesome video for their single She Is the New Thing: have a look at www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTgOe9Uda54.

The Horrors play T in the Park, Balado on 8 July.
