Spotlight On... Billy Got Waves
Ahead of releasing Rocket Boy Act 1, we shine a spotlight on Edinburgh artist Billy Got Waves to find out more
Edinburgh artist Billy Got Waves is set to release his debut album this year in three parts with Rocket Boy Act 1 landing on Friday 11 March. The record sees him working alongside producers Baygee and S-Type, and part one features a guest vocal from none other than Young Fathers' Alloysious Massaquoi. Rocket Boy Act 1 shows us just how much potential this young artist has and we can't wait to hear the rest of the record when it comes later in the year. For now, ahead of Act 1's release, we shine a spotlight on Billy Got Waves to find out more.
You’ve been making music since you were 12. How did you get started?
I got into creating music due to school friends buying equipment and me being in the right place at the right time, ending up with us making my first song ever, which I fortunately don't [still] have.
You describe Rocket Boy Act 1 as a "self-analysis of certain areas of your life over the past couple of years", can you go into a bit more detail about some of the themes covered across its four tracks?
The first four tracks cover certain aspects of partying from my past. The first three songs are a build up to the crescendo of the fourth track (Low / Angels) where it literally feels like I’m having an out-of-body experience by the chorus, then the second half of Low / Angels is basically me seeing the light, or almost dying on the dancefloor, or maybe a bit of both. I mean that's how I'd describe the album and what it means to me, but it could translate to someone else completely differently in their perspective and mean something else, which I also think is cool.
The production across the EP is exquisite, how did you end up working with S-Type and Baygee, and what was it like working with them?
I've worked with Baygee for quite a while now so we have a good working relationship. With S-Type, he was someone I always wanted to work with and we just met one day, played each other music, chatted and just clicked. The whole process was super easy actually as Baygee and S-Type are just in tune with my frequency I guess.
Image: Billy Got Waves by Lunch Concept Store
You work with Alloysious Massaquoi from Young Fathers on opening track B.O.A.W. How did that collaboration come about?
Myself, Joell and Woozieworld (formerly Woozie) used to subrent a room in their studio space for a couple of years, and also Joell's dad used to be their manager back in the day, so we have always had a relationship with them, always giving us good advice etc. I basically was showing Ally my tunes and it just kind of naturally happened.
What was the reason behind releasing the album in three parts and when can we expect parts two and three?
The reason for the three parts is because each EP is different and takes on different subjects to create a linear story; it’s not all about getting fucked up and being a mess throughout. The next two parts will be out this year once Act 1's visuals have been released.
Rocket Boy Act 1 is released on 11 Mar, available at; follow Billy Got Waves on Instagram @billygotwaves